Episode 5 – Learning To Hear God Speak – The Word


Last Episode, we discussed Silence as a way of conditioning our Spirit to hear God. Today we start to look at the various methods God uses to Speak to us.

Focal Scriptures: Heb 1, John 1, 2 Tim 3v16, Ps 119 vs 105, Lk 4 v17-21

1.Scripture 2. Dream 3.Desire 4.Promptings 5.Pain 6.People 7.Nature 8.Doors 9.Conscience

All methods are not created equal; must be measured against the yardstick of the Bible


We ought to give the same respect we give to Jesus to the Holy Scriptures. This is made of precepts & principles (INSTRUCTIONS)

The Principles & Precepts are instructions meant to Guide us in different areas of life, Marriage, Leadership, Government, Parenting, Justice, cleanliness etc.

LOGOS: The general word of God that communicates His ability to do something or His general will on a matter.

RHEMA: The word the Holy Spirit quickens (makes to come alive from logos) to a specific person for a specific situation.

The quickening of the scriptures is the making alive of a passage through divine illumination by the light of God. Your understanding of the passage and its application becomes pointed. It’s as if you’ve never read that passage before.

When we read a lot of the Bible, we give God a library to draw from when He needs to speak to us. When we hide the word & God needs to speak to us, He takes a little of the word and makes it come alive.

Get the word in –A bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone that isn’t. 

  • Be methodical in your reading not sporadic
  • Establish a consistent feeding on the Bible-
  • Read the Bible
  • Study the Bible
  • Meditate on the Bible
  • Confess the Bible

Application Question

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