Episode 10- Learning to Hear God Speak – The Audible Voice/Still Small Voice

Focal Scripture: 1 Samuel 9v15, Act 9v3-5


It is called the Audible voice when you hear it in your Physical /Biological ear (outer ear).

Audible refers to a sound that is made which can be heard by anyone with normal hearing.

  • God Spoke audibly to People in very rare situations e.g. Paul, Jesus
  • Each time, God was either making a statement or getting someone’s attention e.g.an unbeliever
  • Be careful of Rare spectacular, sensational method. Its not the norm. Exodus 20v19

God has an outside voice which can impress or frighten us, but He has chosen to woo us in a gentle voice

INNER VOICE/STILL SMALL VOICE When God speaks to someone in a way that is unusually loud, they may perceive it as one spoken in an audible voice. unless others around hear, it cannot be said to be audible. Spiritual communication uses a different set of senses. It is done primarily through the transmission of thought impressions (and impressions via other spiritual senses) directly from spirit to spirit. These impressions bypass the physical structures of the human body and go straight to our Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit speaks to your Spirit you do not hear a physical voice. You have an impression. Some called it inner witness. It may be so strong you hear it in your spirit Gal 4v6

  • 1 Sam 9v15-The lord had said to Samuel in his ears.


God doesn’t speak much. He expects you to press in for details. Fellowship brings intimacy

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